As I reflect on the gigantic step of faith that my sister Katie and soon to be brother-in-law Luke are about to take in one week, I am amazed at their courage. Courage to commit to one person for the rest of their lives, to commit to walking through life's mountains and valleys, endure sickness and health, wealth and poverty, love and contempt... all in pursuit of working through the one type of relationship that Satan has targeted to destroy.
"We must never be naïve enough to think of marriage as a safe harbor from the Fall... The deepest struggles of life will occur in the most primary relationship affected by the Fall: marriage." -Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III
I look at Luke Patterson and see a man who is passionate about God's work. He has a desire to walk in obedience to God. From his commitment to volunteering at church to committing a year of discipleship training and missions... he loves the Lord. He has pursued Katie since her sophomore year of high school(that I can remember). Even when their friendship hit rocks, he remained a loyal friend who walked through difficulties of life with her despite an 8 hour distance when she went to school in Indiana. He is a man with many friends... good friends... true friends because he is a true friend...willing to drop everything to help someone out. He is not afraid of differences between people, not afraid to question a person, or call someone out. He's kind and thoughtful. He listens well and is considerate. He is courageous and I completely trust him to love Katie, work through differences, forgive her, help her, teach her, learn from her, respect her, and have fun with her.
Katie... when I think about what I'm thankful for about her, I am at a loss for words. She is the most beautiful girl. She's such a thoughtful sister. I remember when she was little, I told mom "You need to talk to Katie... she is the most selfish girl in the whole world." I laugh thinking about that. Katie has shown me so much about selflessness, humility, and service. She is so loving to people who are difficult to love. She has an ability to look past their shortcomings and have incredible empathy for them. She is always looking for her purpose in life... not wanting to waste the gifts God has given her. She is always up to have fun... sledding in snow, going to the humane society and walking puppies, going shopping, line dancing, shopping at Von Maur, dressing up, playing with make up, laughing at old videos, playing games... she is just someone that you would always want to have around.